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Everything posted by CSoul

  1. An old one this, but one of my favourites:
  2. Second one. Not so much a touch and go as it is a bounce and go.
  3. Unfortunately, I have to start this pirep with an apology. For some reason only a third of the screenshots I took of my leg turned out to be usable - the rest were garbled - and I only noticed the problem today. So my script has gone out of the window and I'm going to have to wing it. I do apologize for the truncated leg and the below-par story. I'll definitely try to make it up in the next one. So without any further ado, here we go... After picking up the baton from Rob (and after recovering my hearing - that Vulcan is loud!) I made my way over to my aircraft for this leg, the beau
  4. Great post and story. Maybe a novella is in order, once this ATWC is complete? What kind of genre it will be, well...I think I'll stop there. Methinks those boots have high heels and Bianca, being military, probably packs quite a kick.
  5. Great shot. Knew one of yours would be a winner; and that one is fantastic.
  6. Don't know how I'm supposed to follow those shots! Fantastic stuff Jankees! This is the same shot as the last competition but it fits the theme and I really like it, so, here it is again... A trio of FW-190A's. Final one. A Rafale, F-35, Hawk, F-14 and Mirage 3.
  7. CSoul

    Y not?!

    Rebel Alliance Y-wing! It used to be one of my favorites in X-Wing vs TIE Fighter (if I remember the name of that game correctly). Nice shots.
  8. Here's what will probably be my only one. The Sukhoi Su-26 doing what it does best.
  9. I have that and yes, if I remember correctly, 7GB is about right. The F-Lite A340-600 takes about 2gb and the download size is about 200MB. As for systems modelling, it doesn't have an in-depth FMC and it seems the more advanced systems aren't modeled. But, it looks good, flies good, and does the job well if you're not too serious about procedures and such. One thing though; it is a native FS2004 model ported to FSX, so expect the typical niggles (at least my boxed version is, not sure about the download).
  10. I was wondering whether I can use the framed area for this month's competition, or would this count as too much of an edit?
  11. What was it Dassault said, if it looks good it flies good? Well, case in point...
  12. Here's a familiar one. And another oldie. Last one.
  13. Great stuff Micke! And thanks for all the effort. Much appreciated.
  14. It's an early start for this leg, so no rest for the wicked. The low cloud base seems to be following me around North America but today I have an added incentive to get a move on: fog and isolated flurries of snow are expected over Michigan, with the weather expected to hit Antrim around sundown. And is it cold: even the Baton is shivering. But with all systems running the cockpit soon warms up. It's a rude wake up call for the locals and music to my ears as the Bucc flings itself down the runway. Not many friendly waves, so I get airborne sharpish. One of the perks of an early start
  15. Ah, the baby Bus. One of my favorite aircraft. Really enjoyed it!
  16. Thank you for the kinds words! For those who asked, it's the UKMIL Buccaneer S2 Package.
  17. Thanks Joe. Having spent some time around Winnipeg observing the ice road truckers doing their thing, getting stuck in ditches and failing miserably to catch any fish, I was ready to head south to (relatively) warmer climes. Watching Joe's stellar landing reminded me of my less than stellar driving and the horrid amount of damaged fenders I'd left behind, and I stared morosely at the only aircraft I had managed to rustle up for the leg - a Blackburn Buccaneer; an aircraft which always seems to bite me on landings. The old girl was painted suitably and beautifully but she was just that - ol
  18. Taking notes indeed: greasers are few and far between for me. Great flight!
  19. Great post. Like that aircraft.
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