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Everything posted by reef

  1. Shadow on the ground will make a big difference. Until its there its always going to look stuck on. Composite shots can be quite tricky and not something ive done much of so i'm quite interested to see this one finished :sleep: steve
  2. Every time my PC dies and i await delivery of another, all manner of strange things happen to me. First i get really bored. Then i watch all my films till i'm bored. I start to visit relatives who are boring. I find myself doing more overtime at work. At this point in time i start buying Military Modeller and looking at all the nice kits that have come about since i was a lad. I usually spend the next few weeks trying to pick off dried polystyrene cement off my finger tips and looking all over the house for that small piece that went into orbit from the sprue with my handy knife work. My wife
  3. Nice editing and i for one never get bored of edits Keep up the good work... steve
  4. With a dozen pilots on the ATWC i'm quite supprised at how few have responded here to what i think is an excellent post. Its obvious Joe puts in the effort as do others but a bit of recognition would be nice. Takes but a minute to right a comment and this is a joint venture for all of us after all. steve
  5. Hehe pretty funny to watch. Thanks for posting it up steve
  6. I think you have done a great job bringing all the elements together without over doing it. Well done and am already looking forward to your next. steve Edit: Looking at it agin it reminds me of the front cover of "Victor" or "Commando" and if you don't know what they are i must be old steve
  7. "hope this isn't boring" Haha funny guy! Incredible flight Joe and a mammoth undertaking in such a small aircraft. It's a shame you don't post more of your full flights, id be quite happy to sit through the bordom to read them Great stuff.. steve
  8. Way to post a kick ass post Joe!! Loving some of those skies and the vistas were something else. Very much looking forward to part deux. steve
  9. Very nice shot Joe, the water looks very real and compliments the scenery well. steve
  10. A very interesting set Joe. The last action report brings home how selfless men could be during times of war. steve
  11. Hey Joe. Glad you liked them and is the first time i've seen the train at Gatwick, nice touch. As for the drivers i finished with 162.65 as the 169.x drivers would not let me delete an origional profile. Using nHancer to set up a new FS9 profile all is fine. Thanks again for looking... steve
  12. Hey guys. Anyone else fed up of all the rain ? Well after a dreary weekend i set FS to August and went and did a flight (after i resolved a driver issue one and a half days of no FS ) The flight is as the title says, BA 757 flying Frankfurt to Gatwick in August. Nothing special on the edits mostly just lightening up a little. Enjoy the flight. Gate B-23 if i remember right just under the observation balcony. Waiting for my passengers. 2 jetways docked and cleaners about to remove the stairs to the rear. A long pushback as the tug pushed me right out of the gate area onto the main taxiwa
  13. Finally resolved it. I reverted back as far as 8x.x drivers and still i had no AA. It was like the new drivers had set it up with no AA and was not going to let me change it. With nHancer you can delete old profiles but not with the 169.x drivers as it wont let you. The problem was solved by using the 162.x drivers used with nHancer to create a new profile as these will let you get rid of the old profile. SO finally i have my FS back. steve
  14. Fantastic shots and yes i love clouds. Working outside and often in the countryside i get too see some pretty spectacular skies and even a tornado of all things. Love being outside when the weather turns especially high winds, makes you feel alive! steve
  15. Just an old shot as nVidia broke my FS and im grounded. It's pretty un-inspired compared to the other entrants but here is a lone Hurricane. steve Edit: Just realised, did you not say in the in your first post Joe, you would like to see WWII shots only for the first comp ? Eurofighters :doh hehe.
  16. Tried different ways through nhacer and also new beta drivers and no Joy. Some people seem to get it working in nhancer by deleting the origional MSFS2004 entry and building a new one but it tells me since forceware 169 i can no longer delete it. Its a pain in the *** steve
  17. Ive been trying to get nHancer working in FS with no joy. Maybe i'm doing something wrong. I don't want to roll back as im having a blast on COD4 so looks like FS is turned off for me for now Are nVidia even sorting this mess ? steve (grounded :mrhappy: )
  18. Am envious, it will take too much effort with all my custom AI in seperate BGL,s to swap to Kai Tak. Great shots though and cudos for getting a plane down on 13 Heres a decent vid on youtube. (Not Mine!!) If your at all thinking of getting Kai Tak, this vid will make you do it now :mrhappy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAOv7C0IrrM steve
  19. Thanks Joe. I saw your comment over there too. That forum certainly moves fast, i don't get time to read all the posts on there. Some great artists but get the feeling some probably don't actually do that much flying. Good place for me to get improvemet ideas and its nothing short of inspiration from some of the members. Cheers Joe... steve
  20. Thanks guys. Well happy you noticed those little sun ripples 1mag, first time ive tried and took an age figuring a way to do them. I shall work on them some more in the future. Still working on getting my reflections right too Joe, keep trying new ideas :mrhappy: Heres a small update to the shot after some good advice over on Screenshot world. Slightly increased reflections and a rather big ommision was some glare on the glass surfaces of the cockpit. Thanks again. Steve
  21. Hey guys. This was quite a heavy edit so i put it in here. Before... ..and after. I'm always looking to improve, so critiques blast away :mrhappy: steve
  22. Love the 747 and the 777 but can't bring myself to buy a quality addon as i hate flying long distance. Love ths shots especially the last. steve
  23. Thanks again guys. Dai, I'm not sure where the shot is from origionally, i simply tried to match the shot best with what Flightsim was showing me. The Orgional though has more hills beyond what you see as water, i just lopped them off :mrhappy: steve
  24. Hey Panos, Had a feeling something special would come from run to your native soil. Fantastic shots and flight with some very forboding skies. Love it :mrhappy: steve
  25. Hey chaps.. Thanks for the comments, i felt i rushed it but glad you enjoyed it. If you struggle to fill a flight Joe i'm always happy to jump in. Just let me know when the time comes. Thanks again guys.. steve
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