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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Damm - thought it was next week for some reason! Hope you all enjoyed it!
  2. Excellent story and leg as per normal John - what will you do next year?
  3. Suits me - 3 weeks off college starting Friday afternoon!
  4. Thanks all! For those wondering what the video is, Lordi's Scare Force One. Check it out, if you dare (warning it is quite graphic!)
  5. The flight out of Iferouane was interesting, to say the least. With no scheduled flights and the An-32 gone back to the lessor, a quick search revealed nothing. At all. Getting to Sebha was going to be difficult Would you trust this pilot? I had to to meet the deadline And the stewardess wasn't much better. Although, she did look familiar..... "Sharon?" I ventured Turns out that Sharon wasn't too pleased about the lack of her in the challenge, and the rise of Jasmine in John's stories. So she fled to Africa and did odd jobs there. It was only then that I realised that
  6. And I thought I was taking it easy this year! All thanks to you and Joe, Mikael!
  7. Agreed - excellent work as always Mikael! I think I have something that's over 7,000lbs MTOW.....
  8. It was in Cardiff (that's where Bruce's aviation business is based out of) and the aircraft is hired from Air Atlanta Icelandic
  9. Impressive bird! As I sit here listening to a mix of all their studio albums.....
  10. And I was pointing out that there's an alternative than publishing through Steam. As I said my only experience with them is through the train sim market - possible that it's another team in charge of the FSX:SE programme. Interesting to see though from another viewpoint
  11. I wouldn't say they are anti 3rd party devs. Again looking at the train sim, we have: Just Trains Armstrong Powerhouse (Waggonz) Aerosoft Victory Works Fastline Simulations publishing independantly at reasonable prices. And that little list is just off the top of my head. And with FSX:SE, I've seen lots of recent products advertised as compatable, including new releases. The 51% may be true for going through Steam, as the prices there can seem inflated quite a bit sometimes. Now it could be different in the FS world - I'm just going on experience in the train sim world on ultimatel
  12. The only comparision that I can make at the moment is with their Train Simulator (again built up from the same base code as an earlier Microsoft offering). They generally don't tell 3rd party developers what they are changing in one of their free core game changes (that will hopefully transfer over to the FS). There was the time when they completely changed the default assests, much to the annoyance of many devs. They did re-release the old basic assets (as a charge) but it still allowed others to enter the market. I think it was benefitial for payware, as it made devs actually build as mu
  13. With Putinfeld seemingly getting closer every day to seizing the baton, I decided to try and beat him at his own game. It had been clear, from previous attempts on the baton’s life, that Russian aircraft and equipment had been used. So, first thing was to get a Russian aircraft. I looked for the obvious choice – the Antonov An-24. Sadly, just as the lease was finalised and I went to give the aircraft one last look over, somebody stole the wheels and the propellers. So time to find another aircraft. Sticking with the Russian theme, I found this up for lease: Interestingly, the aircraft
  14. Excellent escape, and superb shots. Nothing to stop you now!
  15. Wow... wish the college I went to had that..mind you that was many moons ago!! Yeah it's in the space that's officially allocated to the EASA approved courses, and we have our own hangar. Not that I actually need to use any of it! https://www.flickr.com/photos/111752039@N08/albums/72157657554202104
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