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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. Flt Lts Humpty, Dumpty and Benedict reporting in for operation Over Easy. Huevos Squadron Scramble!
  2. They're just waiting for a VFR day. Nothing worse than launching your flight school only to be grounded for weather . . .
  3. Tim_A

    Eye Controller

    I have a post-it stuck over the little camera in my monitor, cos -- you know -- they're watching . . .
  4. Tim_A

    Plan G log file

    My Documents\Plan-G Files\Plan-G_Log.txt
  5. What stops me getting a Mac Pro (apart from the money) is the limited AMD graphics. I do a lot of 3D work using NVidia's Iray, which of course is only hardware accelerated on Nvidia GPUs. Allow me to bung in a brace of Titan Xs, and I'd be golden. As it stands, the hardware requirements would force me to use Windows (spit). I can certainly cost out similar spec Win workstations for a lot less (and the "nice" ashcan design is quickly lost among the rats nest of cables and external drives etc. you need to get the most out of the thing anyway)
  6. It does. Bring up the Quick Plan window (the "Direct to" button) ant type / paste your route into the box.
  7. If you're using an OS later than XP, there's a beta in the thread stickied at the top of my support forum (it's an X-Plane thread, but the beta will work for anyone). That has a work around which saves a temporary version of the plan before attempting to open the export dialog. It's not ideal, but its's better than a poke with a stick, and it does get a copy of the plan on disc. You have until you try another export, or quit Plan-G to rename/move it.
  8. What happens is **on some PCs** the dialog opens but immediately gets a cancel message and closes again. It happens so fast the dialog never even gets the chance to draw. Why? Not a clue. I've searched the Internet and found a bunch of other developers experiencing the same issue, but no answers. Or at least no answers that work. Most likely it's a DotNet issue, but I can't be more specific than that.
  9. Tim_A

    Plan-G Questions

    Still haven't looked at why the plan gave you the altitude it did - it's over 38 degrees in my "office" (that's 100+F in old money). I'm sure you'll understand if i wait till the weather breaks!
  10. Tim_A

    Plan-G Questions

    Within Plan-G, MEF figures only include terrain. Obstacles are not included because that would be dependant on whatever scenery you have installed, and Plan-G has no way to examine all your scenery models and work out their heights. This obviously differs from the real world, where such features are included. (in the UK, the CAA charts only include features 300ft or taller, which is where the "MEF + 300" figure comes from.) For comparison, this is the statement on a UK half-mil VFR chart: MAXIMUM ELEVATION FIGURES (MEF) Maximum Elevation Figures are shown in quadrangles bounded by gra
  11. I look forward to seeing many YouTube videos of Amazon packages stuck in the top of 60ft oak trees . . . (and they also need to add "Drone shot down enroute" to their list of reasons for refund!)
  12. Spitfire Women of WWII I have in paperback - came from The Works, in their 3 books for £5 deal. Good book. As regards DRM on ebooks, it's the publishers you should be moaning at, not Amazon. Amazon just wants to sell you stuff, they don't care one way or the other whether it has DRM attached.
  13. Registration filed. Let battle begin!!!
  14. Tim_A

    Plan-G Questions

    Plan-G is very specifically oriented towards VFR and GA aircraft. Yes, there are Big Tin flyers that use it, and they're alway trying to get me to add more IFR features. But I resist....
  15. Even better, in the more recent versions of Plan-G, if you right click the navaid, you can select 'Show Range' and it'll draw you a nice shaded circle, blue for VORs and green for NDBs From memory the range of VORs in FS is generally around 200nm, but those attached to airports, localisers etc somewhat less.
  16. Tim_A


    Thanks Joe, Britfrog. I've also been vaguely looking for scenery in this area (specifically Tenerife North GCGM) so this comes at an opportune time (& especially with the mesh and photos - the default Canaries are a travesty!) (waits 3 ½ hours for the download...)
  17. The new stupid VAT laws have been the last straw for many small web traders.
  18. Tim_A

    Windows 10

    Maybe they're trying to compete with the Mac - Windows 10 vs OSX (pronounced O S 10)...
  19. Yeah sorry - you snuck a reply in while I was writing my comment, so it got disjointed.
  20. I'm sure I saw your wheelchair - at least I saw several wheelchairs even if I didn't get a chance to speak (I was the fat one in red, as opposed to the shiny headed one in red!) My 210 definitely came home with a lot more dents in it! Whenever I turned around to talk to someone there was a kid on the controls within seconds, and shortly after, the plane was in the ground or some unusual attitude that needed recovering from (being at a show is good "unusual attitude recovery" training - anyone who's done a PPL will know what that's about!). But if I left the plane on autopilot, the kids wo
  21. The best external interface is eSATA, since this is a direct bus connection using the drive's native interface - no bottlenecks; it will run at the same speed as an internal drive, (if you look at the eSATA on a desktop PC, you'll see that it's literally just a cable from the internal drive connector) Next best thing is USB3. It's a little bit slower but still acceptably quick for FSX. I run FSX from a USB3 drive, and you really wouldn't know it's an external. No stutters, no blurries.... But you must have a USB3 drive, a USB3 cable (has the extra section on the top of the connector) AND y
  22. I have no idea about issues with upper flight levels - I get a nose bleed above FL100, so never go there Meanwhile, down among the clouds and weather... What you set in the sim is the QNH reported by whatever weather generation system you are using (obviously if you're up in the flight levels, you won't be using QNH by definition, since they are referenced to 1013). If you're using Active Sky, it comes from Active Sky. If you're using Vatsim weather, it comes from Vatsim. The important thing is - you use the sim's weather, since that determines whether you fly over a mountain or into it.
  23. Perhaps it's time to read a good book instead... Oh wait, the lights went off!!!
  24. Love your signature image! What does it come from?
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